Officers and Committees
Officers: The officers of the Illini Country Stitchers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. All officers shall be members in good standing.
The President shall preside at all regular meetings and all board meetings, shall be an exofficio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee, and shall perform such other duties as are incident of the office.
The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, perform all the duties of the president and such duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. The Vice President shall also serve as the Parliamentarian.
The Secretary shall record and read the minutes of the Illini Country Stitchers Guild meetings, submit monthly reports to the newsletter editor, and be responsible for all general correspondence. At the expiration of the term, all records shall be turned over to the successor.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping all financial records and present an itemized account of receipts and disbursements at each business meeting, and submit an annual written summary report to be published in the newsletter in October.
The Immediate Past President shall serve in an advisory role on the Board of Directors, on the Budget Committee, and shall be responsible for installation of officers.
Standing Committees: There shall be the following committees: Auditing, Budget, Bylaws, Education, Entertainment, Historian, Hospitality, Library, Membership, Newsletter, Philanthropic, Programs, Publicity and Public Relations, Quilt Show, Raffle Quilts, Retreat, and Website and Email Communications. Chairperson of standing committees shall be appointed by the President and shall serve a term of one year. All standing committee chairmen shall be responsible for calling meetings for their committee and will maintain and pass on a written report of policies and procedures for their committee. The President may appoint any other committees decreed necessary. For each new committee the President will appoint a chairman.
The Auditing Committee shall consist of at least two members. The committee will be responsible for a complete audit of the treasurer's books at the end of the fiscal year (August/September) and a report will be filed with the President(s) and Treasurer(s). A partial audit will be performed quarterly and as needed.
The Budget Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, Past Treasurer, President, Past President, and members-at-large to make a committee of five. The committee shall prepare the budget for the fiscal year. The budget will be presented at the first meeting in August and voted upon by the Guild.
The Bylaws Committee shall consist of at least three members. The committee shall review the bylaws yearly and amend as necessary. Changes may be adopted at any business meeting by a 2/3 vote of the members present. Notifications of proposed bylaw changes shall be printed in the newsletter and distributed prior to the voting date. The voting date shall be at the business meeting after being published in the newsletter.
The Education Committee shall be responsible for educational outreach projects.
The Entertainment Committee shall be responsible for organizing special events such as the Holiday December Party and the Summer August Picnic.
The Historian Committee shall be responsible for keeping a written and photographic record of the Guild's activities.
The Hospitality Committee shall be responsible for greeting new members at each meeting, sending occasion cards when necessary, drawing for door prizes, and arranging for refreshments as requested.
The Library Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the Jean Taylor Memorial Library. The library books will be available at each business meeting.
The Membership Committee shall be responsible for collecting dues and new member information, and distribution of membership cards and nametag patterns. The committee will inform the newsletter editor and treasurer of new members.
The Newsletter Committee shall be responsible for obtaining information of interest to Guild members through the use of an information coordinator, reports, storywriters, and graphic artist. The committee is also responsible for publishing, addressing, and mailing the newsletter.
The Philanthropic Committee shall oversee all philanthropic projects. Committees shall be appointed as necessary to be responsible for community work projects and oversee charitable contributions.
The Program Committee shall organize programs such as films, slide shows, guest lecturers, and is responsible for coordination workshop programs. The committee chair is authorized to appoint a Trips coordinator.
The Publicity and Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for promoting membership and for public awareness of Guild activities.
The Quilt Show Committee shall consist of the chairperson and other members as appointed by the chairperson. A treasurer of the Quilt Show shall be appointed by the committee chairperson.
The Raffle Quilt Committee shall have two years to produce a raffle quilt and to facilitate the raffle.
The Retreat Committee shall be responsible for organizing a quilting retreat.
The Website and Email Communications Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the ICS web pages and managing email lists for electronic distribution of the newsletter and icsquilt yahoo group communications.